Meikles Hotel Extensions & Upgrade

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South elevation of north wing

Vertical perspective of north elevation

Street context

Main entrance

Harare (CBD)
Clinton & Evans/Lionel Levin (Interiors)
Original Client
Meikle Bros. , Hoteliers & merchants
In 1991 Meikles Hotel underwent a major ZW$150 million upgrade and expansion phase to enhance the hotel's facilities and services. Architects, Clinton & Evans were commissioned to add five more floors of accommodation to the north wing, eight new function rooms and redesign the ground floor. The project also involved the regressive 're-façading' of the north wing from modern to Classical/Victorian. Consulting Engineers; Brian Colquhoun Hugh O'Donnell & Partners and contractors Costain (Africa) Limited completed the project team.

While increasing the total bed capacity by 30% all interiors were 'gutted' and redesigned in line with the new image. Since the old car park was given to the Eastgate and Southampton Life Centre developments, a new car park was created to the south of the north wing along Third Street. The ground floor foyer area was redeveloped by South African interior designer Lionel Levin to accommodate more services, retail and lounges in addition to linking up with the Southampton Life Centre joint venture to the west.

The link up area is characterised by a wide retail arcade, and first floor roof garden that draws the greenery of the neighbouring Africa Unity Square closer to the building. A series of winding stairs, cascading fountains and palm plantings complement the design and make for an uplifting tropical experience.

The main entrance make over retains the trademark bronzed lions that have become symbolic of the world famous hotel. A series of Victorian style bronzed canopies line the brim of the podium, while the terrazzo finish on the walls is sacrificed for white polished marble. The corner detail of the whole north building is enhanced by extruding it from the rest of the façade, and creating balconies on each bedroom in that zone. The balustrades for these are bronzed and finished in a neo-Victorian décor. The palate of colours compliments the adjacent Southampton Life Centre and Old Mutual Centre across the street to the north east. All views are directed towards the scenic park, and the lush green 'Avenues' area and northern suburbs in the distance.

Ref. .

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The Zimbabwe Engineer (December 1991)


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