The Critique...
Comments, reviews, feedback & more…


Golden Web Award (2003-2004)...

In June 2004, we were awarded a Golden Web Award "in recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web."


Zimbabwe Bird Web Award (2000)...

In 2001, Dzimba Dzemabwe was conferred with the Zimbabwe Bird Web Award.

"The purpose of the Zimbabwe Bird is to give formal recognition and encouragement to web site developers who have created sites that are of Southern African interest...

...Thank you for your effort in producing a site of commendable technical standards and which does much to raise international awareness of the rich cultural heritage in southern Africa."

- Mike Hagemann (Member - International Webmaster's Association & The HTML Writer's Guild)


Link of the week...

Dzimba Dzemabwe was designated architectural link of the week (February 2001) by GlassSteel& An excerpt from the designation read:
"This is one of the best new architecture pages in a while. It combines great photographs with a simple layout, and lots of information. There is great history, great buildings, and great culture here. Moreover, it illustrates how the internet can be used to give people around the world a new appreciation for a place they may never have considered before."



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