Ranche House

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Angled view of front




Harare - CBD
J.A. Cope-Christie
Original Client
United Rhodesian Goldfields Company, Mining concern
J.A. Cope-Christie, was commisioned in 1895 to design 'The Ranche' for the United Rhodesian Goldfields Company on a large potion of land at the foot of the Kopje - nicknamed thus because of its size. It served as residence of Colonel Raleigh Grey, the company's managing director, and was eventually sold to the Government in 1927.

When it was completed in 1899, The Ranche was the first gas lit house in the town. The house formed a 'U' shape around a rear court; the south leg of which extends to provide a kictechen and pantry, while the other rooms of the house are arranged on both sides of the central paasge, following the shape of the plan. The front of the house is enveloped by a wide and a keystoned basket arch, supported on well-formed rectangular pilasters, ushers the small paned Venetian doors behind it.

The most distinctive feature of this well preserved house is the verandah, with a heavy timber beam with dentilated eaves and supported on elegant Doric columns. The central facade is punctuated by an oversized gable which provides a clasical portico supported on large rusticated square piers.

The well preserved building, today serves as the administrative heart of Ranche House College.

Ref. The Author

Web Resources





Peter Jackson - Historic Buildings of Harare (1986)


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