Anglican Cathedral

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South-east Elevation

West elevation


Harare, (CBD)
Sir Herbert Baker
1913 - 1964
Original Client
Anglican Church ,
Harare's first church -an African style mud and pale building by Canon Balfour was built in 1890. The Anglican Cathedral of St Mary& All Saints, was eventually constructed on the same site, in a granite block structure, designed by the South African architect, Sir Herbert Baker.

The church was begun in 1913, but wasn't completed until 1964. Part of the delay has been attributed to a dispute over the shape of the bell tower which was only finished in 1961. The architect originally proposed a Great Zimbabwe-like conical tower but the idea was turned down in favour of the square one.

The tower holds 10 bells cast in London by Whitechapel Foundry. The cloisters were finished in the late 1940s.

Ref. Deanna Swaney / The Author

Web Resources


SWANEY Deanna, Zimbabwe, Botswana & Namibia (1995)

Pictures courtesy of 'Borrowdale Dan' and

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