Freedom Arch

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Rafter beam up close

Ministry of Construction
Original Client
Government of Zimbabwe,
The result of an inter-departmental competition in the then Ministry of Construction, the Freedom Arch was constructed to represent Zimbabwean sovereignty. The bird-like monument was built on the main arterial route into the Capital city from the Harare International Airport.

The 'arch' consists of two legs or columns of tapering width at either end spanned by a varying depth rafter beam. The initial design consisted of an arch spanning 25 metres with a height above the centreline of the carriageway of 7 meters. The rising fin to the west rises 19 meters above the ground. Nevertheless it was considered judicious to size the 'arch' to span 36 meters to allow for possible duelling of the motorway in the future. Sight seers parking is afforded on either side of the road.

The structure is constructed entirely of reinforced concrete, and clad with a predominantly black and white terrazzo throughout, while the inscription on the rafter beam is black terrazzo. Strategic lighting gives the monument a fittingly surreal look, as if a bird about to take flight into the African sky. An apt representation of the attainment of independence.


Ref. "Zimbabwe Engineer" (July 1983)

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